Mar 10, 2008

Need help for my Book

Am writing a book on the synergy between online marketing, User Experience, and web analytics. Would like to interview practitioners. I have space for around 15 interviews in my book. Please feel free to contact me if you feel the community needs it.

The folks that I would like, nay love to interview are Lou rosenfeld, Ripul, Rakhee srivastava, Christina Wodtke, Alok Jain, Austin Govella, and Avinash kaushikFolks, I would be highly obliged if you could spare some time from your busy schedules to help me out.

masood [dot] nasser[at] gmail [dot] com


Austin said...


I'd love to participate. In fact, I have a killer method for measuring user experience: clear, easy, actionable, and strategic analytics for UX.

Masood Nasser said...

Cool. 3 Finalized, 12 more to go

Anonymous said...

your upcoming book sounds interesting. looking forward to read it one day :-) ...

Masood Nasser said...


Thanks... the day will be soon:-)